時間に余裕があるときに作るのが ロールキャベツ。ホワイトソースよりも トマトソースのほうが私は好きです。ジューシーな肉汁がトマトソースに溶け出ておいしいですよ。柔らかい春キャベツを使って旬の味わいを。。
Cabbage roll
This is one of my favorite cooking. My family prefer tomato sause to white cream. Spring is a season for cabbage.
I feel summer flowers start to come out these days. Clematis is one of them. Clematis is traditionally used for flower arrangement for the tea ceremony room. But it also has western image. This color reminds me of my yukata(summer kimono) I bought last year.
No Blue Monday
German iris
Iris is the symbolic flower of the junior and senior high school that I graduated. It seems many iris start to bloom at school. This is a German iris in my garden. Iris is a symbol of elegance and purity.Tea ceremony party
Last Sunday ceremony was held and next month there will be held tea ceremony party here. In this tea ceremony they use big sized tea cup.
詳しい作り方は、明日のFM廿日市の番組、Purecook Itadaki radio(12:00~12:55)のChieのCucina lexione!!のコーナーで。。12:10頃です。 Stay tuned to FM76.1!!