

 今 我が家に鮮やかに咲いているナスタチウム。ハーブの一種です。お花は、サラダに入れて彩りを兼ねた風味付けに、葉はサラダに使えます。葉は円形でかわいらしいので カルパッチョの下に敷いたりと今アイデアがいろいろ広がっています。お天気に恵まれそうなGW中にお料理に活躍しそうです。

Edible flowers

Garden nasturtium is an edible flower. In Japan from the end of April to the beginning of May, there are series of national holidays including Day of Showa on April 29, Constitution Day on May 3, Greenery Day on May 4, and Children's day on May 5. This period is called the Golden week. Unfortunately I don't have any special holiday. But I am thinking of enjoying cooking using garden nasturtium.

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