

 御手洗川沿いの桜が満開でした。五重塔の辺りはまだ咲き始めでしたが。。場所や桜の木によって満開の時期が違うので 長く宮島では桜が楽しめそう。鹿が柔らかい桜の木さえも食べてしまうので、桜の木には網の柵がしてあります。鹿が食べるので植物が育ちにくい宮島で、この時期楽しめるお花は桜とともに馬酔木(あせび)です。

Cherry blossoms and deer

Hina doll festival in Miyajima is also the season of cherry blossoms. Today some are already in full bloom and the others are not yet, so you can enjoy cherry blossoms in the long run. In Miyajima you see a lot of deer. They are said to be a messenger of god, but they eat plants and make troubles. In Miyajima you can enjoy pieris as well as cherry blossoms at this time of the season.

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