たくさんの 桜の名所が廿日市にもありますが やはり 宮島には行かないとと 午後から 行ってまいりました。 前回 私が宮島を訪れたときは大吹雪でした。→クリック 今日は 気温も高く 今シーズン初めて コートなしで歩いて平気なほど暖かかったです。 暖かくなると 宮島は 広島県民にとって 最高のウォーキングスポットです。 I visited Miyajima for the first time this month yesterday. We had a bit of cold the beginning of spring, so the sakura season(cherry blossom season)came late this year. Yesterday's temprature in Hiroshima was 20C. It was a nice and warm day. Miyajima is one of the three famous views in Japan and also was designated as a World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in 1996. In the aftermath of tsunami and radiation disaster visitors from abroad to Miyajima are decreasing, which is really disappointing. Please visit Hiroshima and Miyajima. We are waiting for you.
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